Thursday, November 29, 2012


Well, I started my Stitch and Slash class.  This is my first on-line class ever and I am very excited about it.  For those of you who don't know, gives many classes in many different art/crafts.  This particular class is being given by Carol Ann Waugh.

Anyone who is a fiber artist knows she has several fabrics that are in her stash that must have been brought in by the Ugly Fabric Fairy.  I have no idea what in the world I was thinking when I bought the green and yellow bug fat quarter but it looks like it will do very nicely for this project.  I probably bought it thinking I would put it in a quilt for one of the grandchildren but I can't bring myself to think about them covering themselves up with bugs......Eeewwwwwwww.  I will post pictures as the class progresses.

Monday, November 26, 2012


Giving a class in Embellishing
This past Thanksgiving was a wonderful one.  We spent Thursday with one of my best friends from high school.  Her home is a canvas that she is constantly adding to.  I love to spend time at her house and sit among the many clay pots, figurines and animals she has collected over the years.  My friend loves to feed the squirrels and she has one as a pet.  I can't tell the difference between her pet squirrel and the rest of them but she can.  They all have names and they come to her when she calls them.  She has two birds, two dogs, and a cat.  She loves them all and it is clear that they love her.

We then travelled to Massachusetts to visit with my sister and her family.  Every year we congregate at her house where we eat, drink and laugh the entire weekend.  This year the feast was even more impressive than the year before.  I always come home refreshed and ready for another day in my studio.  I know that I have a wonderful life filled with wonderful people who I love and who love me!  

Monday, November 19, 2012


Quilt Sandwich
Yesterday I mentioned doing something with the practice machine quilting sandwiches that I have.  This is an example of what one looks like.  I have a stack of these in my scrap bin and until Saturday morning I didn't know what to do with them.  Well, last night I took out the paints that I bought at Michaels and began to doodle and paint on it.

This is what I have created so far:  I can't believe what fun I am having with this.  It isn't finished by a long shot but with the addition of thread, more paint and perhaps a little stamping, (maybe some beads?) I will have created a masterpiece!

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Yesterday I had written about the art group that I belong to.  One of the members showed the rest of us what she was doing with her machine quilting practice sandwiches (batting between two pieces of muslin).  I wish you could see what she created.  I was so inspired that I went to Michaels today to purchase fiber paint and water colors.  I have several of these sandwiches and quite frankly I didn't know what to do with them until now.  I will post my progress as I play!!!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Rainbow Fish
 This morning I made the beautiful drive to Delmar to visit with other members in our Art Quilt Group.  I almost didn't go but I am so glad that I did.  It is always so inspiring to see what the members have been doing since we last met and boy have they been busy.   The picture on the right is one of what I call a free-form project where one of the members made a trace of a fish and we translated it in fabric.  Each one different.  Each one as delightful as the next.  Rainbow Fish is my translation and it was really fun to do.  Before I knew it the project took on a life of its own and ended up in blue waters with a small school of fish swimming around it.  This is what the final quilt looked like
just before I put the beaded fish on it.  It was a fun project with interesting techniques used.

We also talked about what inspires us when we are designing an art quilt.  Members brought in their favorite books (we don't only collect fabric you know) which was interesting because no one brought in the same book.  And although, all of us have books and books and books about art and quilting and art quilting members actually brought in books that were not familiar to the rest of us!  There are books out there that I have yet to own!!!!!  I have to say though, that we really read and use our books and magazines.  How wonderful.  I feel so lucky to be a part of this group.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Fall wall hanging
I don't do a great deal of traditional quilting but recently a friend of mine came to me with this pattern and asked if we could make it together.  She is new to quilting but it is a simple pattern so I agreed to make one and she would make one also.  It was fun to do and now we are both looking at making this pattern in Christmas colors.

Instead of hanging it on the wall I decided to hang it on the door that opens into the living room.  It makes the entrance look quite festive.  Fall is my favorite time of year so unlike the pattern, I made the colors bright and vivid.  It will be interesting to see what the Christmas one ends up looking like.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


free digital
There was a time when my days began with a morning meditation.  I did it for many years without fail.  Meditation helped me focus and quiet my mind.  The ritual was so important to me but slowly, so slowly, I began to wane from my practice.  I don't know when it happened and now I am struggling to get it back.

Sometimes, when I am in my studio I find myself lost in the jumble of books and fiber and glue and paint is a mess for sure.  I need the ritual to keep me focused and to allow the universal creative energy to flow through me.  Practicing a ritual not only takes dedication but it is an art form all of its own.  It is why I chose the name Creative Meditations for my art.  And yet, here I am lost, unfocused and feeling as though I lack the dedication not just to my art, but to myself.  I know that I can start my daily practice again.  It is important that I do so.  It is why I decided to share this with you in this very public forum.

Monday, November 12, 2012


I haven't been on the computer much these days.  I have actually enjoyed the quiet creative time it has brought to me.  It has been nice.  Lately, I have been asking myself what it is that I expect to get out of blogging and why did I start it in the first place.  I ask myself questions like:  do I really want to share all of my thoughts in this blog?  where do I want to take this blog?  where do I want this blog to take me?

When I first began to write here I wanted to use this place as a way to share my creations.  But I am beginning to realize that it needs to be more than that.  It needs to be a place where I explore not only what it is that I create but also why.  What is the energy that flows through me that makes me want to dance with my creations?  What happens to me when I create......where do I go in my mind?  I don't know the answers to any of these questions...not yet at least.  I do know that I will continue to blog as a way to stay connected not just with those who read my blog but also with myself.  Maybe this is why I blog at all.

From the Studio

From the Studio
Paradise Found /private collection

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