Wednesday, March 19, 2014


I don't know about anyone else......Actually, I do because everywhere I go the topic of conversation is the long damn winter and where the hey is spring!!!!!  Remember the cabin?  I long for the day when we can open it and spend long lazy weekends up there.  So simple and I am sooo craving simple.

Right about now I am singing a Melany tune in my it there is a line "oh white could be beautiful but mostly it's not".......It is a vegetarian song really but honestly, have you looked outside lately?  The snow is anything but white.  It is dirty, crusty, depressingly gray.  The road is so sanded and salted that I hate to to drive by anyone who is taking a walk on these warmer days because I leave them in a dust bowl unless I go one mile an hour past them.  And then I get dirty (no pun intended) looks because the impression is that I am scrutinizing who it is when really all I am doing is cringing because I am still leaving them in a dust bowl.  Oh well. ........I have had enough of this and if I could I would knock knock knock on heavens door  (another song?) and when God opened it I would whine like only a child can.  Please, please, please, I want spring!!!! Give me spring!!!! No!  I don't want any more snow!!!  I want spring and I want it NOW!!!!!! Wwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaa..........and I would stomp my feet and clench my fists and hold my breath until I got spring!!!  I swear I would.  Even God wouldn't be able to stand it.

But alas, all I can do is bide my time like everyone else and wait and hope and pray that the weather guy is so wrong and that it isn't going to snow and that we are going to have warmer temps to help the grass grow.

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