Friday, December 22, 2017


Setting Intention
When I first started my meditation practice so many years ago I will admit that setting an intention was not part of my practice.  I had all I could do just to sit still and be "mindful".  But as time always shows, continued practice not only makes me better at the things I want to do but allows other things to come to light as in the case of meditation.  At some point I began to set an intention at the beginning of my meditation.  This intention would last throughout the day.  For example setting an intention like "today I will practice being grateful".  Or "today I will practice mindfulness, being in the moment in all that I do".      

I started out by saying that I practice meditation every day and that I include an intention prior to sitting.  Does that mean I am some kind of Gandi? That I don't lose my temper, or become anxious? Not at all.  What it does do is allow me somewhere to get back to when I am out of sorts.  To take a moment and reflect back on my intention that I set at the beginning of the day.  Today's intention is "I am at peace and I believe".  It is a good intention and comes up from time to time.  

Adding an intention to your practice helps guide you through the day.  It does not have to be complicated.  In fact simple is always the best way.  Sometimes one word intentions are all you need.....peace, thoughtful, gratitude, focus, mindful.  These are just a few of the many to consider.  Practice does not make you perfect, you already are perfect.  Practice makes you more, well, practiced.


Wednesday, December 6, 2017


Experiencing true peace is not easy these days.  And during this time of year it seems almost impossible.  Yet, it is something most of us strive for. But what does it mean to have peace and where do you find it?  How do you find it?  And once you find it how do you keep it?

The answer is to these questions is different for each of us and changes depending on where we are in our lives.  When I was young with small children, I got some peace whenever they were napping.  Now that I am older the meaning of having peace is very different.

How one finds it depends on what method you may be looking for?  Does meditation seem like something you might try?  Perhaps taking long walks in the woods may suit you better.  We all have different things that help us achieve peace in our lives.  What are the things you do to find peace when you need it?  I would love to know.

May you find peace
May you have peace
May you be peace


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