No mistakes
Anyone who is a CZT or has taken a class with one knows that there are no mistakes when creating a tangle. The Zentangle (R) on the left is one such non-mistake. I had started this a couple of weeks ago and decided to put it down because I was not happy with what I was putting down on paper. It was one of those moments that didn't feel very "Zen" like. After awhile I realized that I had fallen into the very trap many fall into.......and that is having a preconceived notion of what I am going to draw. That is the complete opposite of the Zentangle (R) method. The process is designed to be free of judgement and the only intent is the focus and the flow.
With that in mind I picked up the tile again and quietly began to create. The meditative process came more easily this time where time stood still yet my pen did not. I like it but I am not sure of the artistic twist I added. But isn't that what experimenting is about? It won't be long before I take some of this process to the sewing machine where I can add tangles in one form or another.
Stay tuned for the announcement of my new class list. Once I secure the venue I will be posting the dates for the classes here.
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