Our cabin in the woods is a wonderful place where nothing works. That is right. No cell phone service, no computer service, no TV. We also don't have indoor plumbing which, for me, is a great plus. (I hate cleaning the bathroom.). The cabin was first built in 1947 and sits in a place called "Devil's Kitchen". There are gas lights, wood and gas stove and the water is pumped in from a nearby stream. I simply love it there.

This year we decided to do some work to it but hubby and I knew we couldn't do it by ourselves. So I called for Vermont young blood......(my son and his family) and the work began. What a great time we had and boy did they work hard! We are so grateful to them and their lively spirit encouraged us to continue with the project after they left.

Now I spend my time dreaming about how wonderful it is
going to be to sit on the porch with my crank sewing machine and
quietly sew in the middle of the wilderness on top of the mountain.
Life does not get any better than this!
Sounds just about perfect to me (oh, except for the bathroom part, lol). Enjoy the tranquility.