I just spent the day cutting out slippers and mittens for the Art Council Boutique. This is the hardest part for me whenever I design anything. Once the cutting is done then I can get on to the more fun stuff......sewing and embellishing! I love ribbons and beads and old lace. I think they finish off a piece in the most elegant way.

I do need to rearrange my space a bit because I am feeling a bit cramped in here. There is material everywhere even though I try to clean up before I leave every night. There is one wall that could be used that would make a huge difference in clearing up floor space but for the moment there is a table against that wall with a huge TV sitting on top of it. Scraps of material are piled high in beautiful baskets but take up so much floor and I am getting tired of walking around them.
Ongoing projects are piled high on part of my cutting table leaving me little room to negotiate my current project. Yup, I am definitely feeling cramped up here. If anyone has creative ways they have used to gain organization in their studio I would love to hear about it. For now, I will just clear off a little space so I can do some beading.
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