Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I have been trying to get into the studio every chance I get but somehow life in the way of housework and renovations seems to pull me out and away from my sewing machines. I do push to have my studio time though even if it is to steal a half hour away to practice on my long arm. I can't wait to finish the slip cover I promised I would make for someone. It is seven weeks and I am just getting to the point of putting it together.

There has got to be a way to corral my time and effort better than I have been. There is so much to do and to learn. I found out about a group in Delmar where they have an art quilt study group. I love it and can't wait to investigate it.

The knitting group is doing well. We have so much fun and I learn something new each time I go. The local quilting group seems to have stagnated long before I became a member which is too bad. I have had to make a decision about when and how often I can go. They like to meet every week which is fine but more often than not we don't do to much so I can not justify taking myself out of the studio for two to three hours a week. Still, I have made some very good friends there and don't want to leave all together which is why I decided that I would go to the business meeting once a month.

Time is of the essence so I had better get back to the slip cover.

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