Thursday, July 8, 2010


Today I head off to Greenville to study with Larkin Van Horne. I am really excited because I haven't been to the Greenville Arms for quite some time. It is always nice to be with other like artists, sharing ideas and conversation. The food is always wonderful and the rooms are cozy. The studio is large and it is always filled with fun and laughter, and AIR-CONDITIONING. I will be taking pictures and will post them when I get back.

SPEAKING OF THE HEAT. I hope that everyone is doing well in this heat. I almost had air-conditioning in the studio but it was not to be. Oh, not that I didn't have the unit all ready to install but Jay was having quite the time with the one we bought for the bedroom and his patience grew quite thin. Between the heat, the terrible directions and Skippy and Buffy (the prior owners, don't ask!) I decided that it would be best to take both units back to Home Depot. the mountain I go to return the deadly units. The good thing was that I got to ride in cool comfort while I drove to and from the store.

On the way back I began to ponder my dilemma and before I knew it thoughts of being really wealthy so that we could hire a handyman to take care of these quite complicated tasks began to enter my very tired and hot brain. Next think I know, I am at the store buying $40.00 dollars worth of lottery tickets because we all know that the hope brought on by the possibility of winning is quite uplifting!!!!! (there has got to be a friggin' winning number in there somewhere).  Finally I arrive home just in time to make dinner. Tacos! Easy and he likes them.

Just as I am about to sit down to the table Jay comes in with the book to the air-conditioner (it never made it back into the box) and he says in a very low voice "We needed to use plan B". You see, there were two ways to install the unit, plan A and plan B. Apparently it was plan A that caused us all the problems we were having. Who knew you had to turn the page to see if there was another way????? Then he says, without missing a beat..."Why did you bring back the AC for the studio?". "Are you kidding?" I said to him. "Between the heat, your frustration, my frustration because you were frustrated, Skippy and Buffy, (stop laughing Brian!), and the fact we were going through this for a total of four days of summer before it snows again, I figured that there was no way on this earth that you were going to bring a much bigger unit up a flight of stairs!" All of a sudden I realized that he looked terribly confused and I just started to laugh and laugh. Poor Jay. "It is all good." I say to him. But I have a question for all of you men who may be reading this. Why is it that you begin a project thinking it is going to go right the first time? It never does. Why? BECAUSE YOU NEVER READ THE DIRECTIONS UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE!!!! Women on the other hand, have been conditioned to think we don't know what we are doing so we take the next couple of days reading the booklet and then going on the internet to do the research needed in order to complete the project.

Oh well, it is all good. Besides, all was not lost, I came home with an extra fan for the studio! Happy birthday to Me!!!


  1. I have to say that most of time I read instructions. Well sometimes. I mean there was this one time.....oh hell cause we are too proud.

    Of course we know everything!

    Well thats what Chrissy keeps telling me :-P


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