Thursday, March 25, 2010


I have a friend Charlie, who creates wonderful works of art in wood, metal, crystal and found objects. He has asked me to make a sign for him and I am working on it. It has been trial and error making this sign because it is made entirely in fabric. I plan to quilt it and once I figure out how to post pictures of my work on this blog I will show all of you. Oh, yes, the sign will be quilted as I take any opportunity to practice a skill.

The studio is doing well. It isn't quite finished yet but I am getting there in between the art I am creating. Tomorrow I am teaching a science class (don't ask) but I wish it were an art class. It will pull me out of the studio for a few hours which will be hard.

Oh, did I mention that I am purchasing a long arm quilting machine? I am not sure where I will put it but it will be somewhere in the studio. There has even been talk of turning the large garage into the studio; that would put the upstairs open for the guys to watch the races!!!!

In any case, I think I am going to ask my son Grant to help me with this blog and a web project I have in mind. He is wonderful at these things...and I am not just bragging. He really is good.

After the sign I will be working on some quilts I need to finish. Until the next time; I hope everyone is pursuing their dreams especially not that spring is here!

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From the Studio

From the Studio
Paradise Found /private collection

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