Thursday, July 30, 2009


Those of us who sew garments know how frustrating it is to try to use a pattern that does not fit together well. It appears that no matter how you attempt to piece it it will not sew correctly. Having to rip out over and over again is not a sewers wish but a necessity of the craft. And, if you are an accomplished sewer, and persistent, you will eventually end up where you are suppose to....with a dress that looks like it was a piece of cake to make. Isn't life the same way? I cannot count the number of times I have tried to piece together situations, relationships, life events, for example, that did not fit. A lesson in futility every time. Wouldn't it be terrific if all we had to do is simply take it apart and start over? The problem is, we aren't always clear about what we are suppose to end up with. At what point do we decide that a pattern simply isn't worth following.

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