I will admit that I have my moments of doubt. Believing in yourself is a challenge and one we all have to work on. Even me. As I write this post the voice inside my head is trying to chip away at my confidence. "What do you know about this stuff!?"it keeps telling me. Plenty! What? You think I don't have stress?
How can we strengthen our belief in ourselves when there is so much negativity around us?
1. Practice positivity about yourself. Whenever that inner voice tells you that you can't, immediately reframe your thought with you can. Change words like impossible to I'm possible. It is a simple notion I know, yet we often forget to practice positivity.
2. Manage your stress. Another easier said than done. I think of stress as a bully! Do not let it ruin your life. There are so many ways to manage stress and the internet is an excellent research tool. Everyone has stress of some kind; some more than others. There are countless articles about its effects mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. There are also many articles of what you can do to relieve it. Diet and exercize are the most talked about and are extremely important. I have a daily mindful meditation practice that helps me and more recently I began to practice zentangle which is a drawing meditation. It has become my favorite way to practice mindful meditation and has been so helpful that in 2013 I became certified to teach it to others. Some people love to sew or create art. Whatever you like to do.....lose yourself in it.
3. Surround yourself with positive thinking people. There is no bigger downer than being constantly reminded that the world is going to hell in a handbasket. It isn't and don't let anyone tell you that it is. Find a group that strives to make this world a better place. Perhaps a local garden group? Volunteer at a local Domestic Violence Center where the committment is to stop violence against others. And for goodness sake, limit your exposure to the news. I am not saying that you should bury your head in the sand but rather, don't watch it first thing in the morning or read it on your cell phone. Watching it later in the day can save you hours of anguish.
I could go one but instead I will just leave you with this.....I believe in me and I believe in you!!!! Don't doubt it for a minute! With a bit of practice we can do this together.