Friday, June 12, 2015


The first Zentangle class was held at Columbia Greene Community College on Wednesday, June 10th.  We had a wonderful time and I received feedback that was quite encouraging.  I really enjoy sharing this form of meditation and it appeared that it was well received by the group.  The group picture is the groups artwork students created.The next class at CGCC will be July 15th. I am not sure what the room number is yet; perhaps the same room which is RM #105.

These are some of the students that attended the class.  Some students were not available at the time we took the picture.  I want to say thank you to all who attended as I enjoyed meeting everyone.

A big hug and thank you to my sister Pam who is my Business Partner at Creative Meditations.  Her business skills are amazing and her presence was calming and most welcomed.  Participants will be seeing much more of her!

Again, SAVE THE DATE:  JULY 15, 20015
  FROM: 6;00 PM TO 8:30 PM

Enrollment is limited so enroll early.  Contact CGCC to register by calling 518 828 4181 or send me an email at

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