Friday, October 24, 2014


Tich Nhat Han is a wonderful Vietnamese author who has written many books like "The Miracle of Mindfulness" and "Peace In Every Step".  I was introduced to his wonderful work and Eastern Philosophy while in graduate school.  Being in the moment is a deeply embedded concept in Eastern philosophy and one that I try to practice all the time.  It helps to focus the mind and sharpen the senses.  It calms the nerves as well.  Lately though, I feel as if I have been standing still too long: that movement is needed in order for me to continue on this journey of mine.

Movement.  Such an underrated phenomenon.  Movement is good for me.  Standing still is good for me.  I wonder if I could do both at the same time.  Movement is what will help the creative process.  Standing Still will help me pay attention.  Well, I guess I should move and do some creating.  It is a very good day for it.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Gathering for a Zentangle class
I haven't had a chance to blog much more than once a month because we have been traveling so much. But that is not to say that I haven't had much to blog about because I have.  We worked up at the cabin, I gave Zentangle classes and I spent time at Kripalu in Massachusetts. The summer has taken us all over including a trip to North Carolina for my mom's birthday.  We had a great time especially since we were traveling with my sister and her husband along with our brother and his girlfriend.

"hippy" bar
We took a break in the middle of the festivities to walk to beach and explore the area where we had rented a wonderful beach house.  One of our finds was a  lovely "hippy" bar that we really enjoyed.  And it was right behind the beach house.  They only serve beer and wine which was fine with us.  It was nice taking time out just to hang with our favorite people.  It was clear that the owner was a collector of very odd things which gave us so much to look at.

Hangin' with my two favorite women.
It was so good to spend time at this place and be with family.  I wished I could have taken this place with us.  Despite our fun, however, it was good come home.  I missed my studio and my sewing machines.  No matter where I go I know that there truly is no place like home.

From the Studio

From the Studio
Paradise Found /private collection

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