The month of January has taken me all over the place. I have been to Atlantic City and back, then to New Hampshire and back with lots of small trips in between. Wow!!!! What a rush. I returned from New Hampshire late afternoon yesterday, had dinner, tried to read a little, watch TV a little and by 7:30 pm I was done. Then I woke up at 2:30 am and started cleaning the house. I am so overtired that I couldn't even take a nap.
Even though the NH trip was work related it was a nice break from the crazy neighbor situation. The warmer weather is also a big help to giving me the motivation I need to clean and get things done. And it is tax favorite time of year.

Despite all of this however, I have found time to knit, draw and tangle. My newest tangles are all about trees. I love trees and when I was a child you were most likely to find me in any one of the trees close to the house. I wonder if that is why I like that show about adult tree houses. I would live in one in a heartbeat. This is a sample of what I have to share today......

It won't be long before the trees are in full bloom.
Until then I will draw my own and plant them all around me.
Perhaps I will even make an art quilt with them.