Friday, March 8, 2013


I have spent the last month prepping for my surgery.  I went into the hospital on the 25th of February to have my hip replaced.  What a remarkable process.  Dr. DiGiovani did the surgery and lucky for me, he believes in Holistic medicine.  He put me on a regiment vitamins and herbs, along with folic acid etc.  Doctors that have included herbal healing as part of the overall medical plan are becoming more common.  That is so exciting.  I am one and a half weeks post surgery and I am feeling really well and ready to get back into the studio.  If the stairs to the studio weren't so steep I would have been up there by now.  That will come before I know it.

A quick note about the hospital I was in, Columbia Memorial Hospital.  The care that I received was amazing and the staff was so attentive.  I felt like I was being cared for by friends and family and I have some awesome friends and family.  They truly went out of their way to be encouraging and supportive.  Thank you so much.  Believe it or not I am looking forward to having my other hip done in four months.  Then there will be no stopping me!!!!!

From the Studio

From the Studio
Paradise Found /private collection

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