Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Left side of studio where my long arm is. 
The spring like weather has gotten to Jay and I in  a big way.  If you look at the right side of the studio in this picture you can see the tv sitting on top of a long table.  I plan to remove the table and tv and build shelves from floor to ceiling.  This will help me to organize much more efficiently by getting things off the floor and onto shelves.  
In the meantime, Jay is going to be downstairs ripping out the paneling which is in the office and replacing it with tongue and groove pine.  It is going to be amazing when it is finished.  Then off it is to the great outdoors and the gardens.  How wonderful!!!!!.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


The weather is back to more seasonable temps and quite frankly, I am a bit happy about it.  It isn't that I don't like warm temperatures.  I do.  But what I really enjoy is the transition from one season to the next.  Spring, then summer, then fall, then winter.  It is hard on my body to go from winter to summer.  The lack of  seasonal transitions was by far the hardest thing for me to handle when I lived in the south.  Air-conditioning aside, it just didn't feel right for this northerner.

The cooler temps makes it easier to stay in the studio.  In the picture above  I am working on my fish quilt.  It is coming along quite nicely even though I am not sure if I like it yet.  It has been fun working on it though and that is what is most important to me.  I especially like the beaded fishing hook although I am not sure it fits. What do you think?  Should I keep it?

Saturday, March 24, 2012


I was a pinterest member until I read the article on "Pinterest verses ethics and the Law" which can be found here:  http://artists-bill-of-rights.org/news/campaign-news/pinterest-versus-ethics-and-the-law-%11-part-1/.  I know that it is a long link but I think that it is important for everyone who creates, appreciates and lives their art to maintain an ethical stance concerning the beauty that others create.  Since reading the article and going back to fully reading the legal terms of being a member of pinterest, I have decided to delete my account and have removed the pin from this blog.  I believe in the rights of others and try to be respectful and considerate.  I would want others to do the same for me.

Friday, March 9, 2012


This is the final quilting that I did.  The top, bottom, and sides were done in a soft grey.  


I really love this quilt.  Unfortunately, the person I was quilting this for had decided that she wanted the entire quilt machine quilted in lime green.  I love lime green but I wasn't sure about doing the entire quilt that way.  There were so many pieces that were just beautiful and I was afraid the quilting would distract from them.  It is always a balancing act.  So I decided to pencil in the design I thought might work and when I was finished I knew that the lime green would have to be limited.  But before I made the final decision, I took the quilt to my customer for her final thoughts.  She agreed that the lime green should be limited.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


It was such a beautiful day today.  The smells of mother earth were intoxicating.  I opened the windows in my studio and let the wind dance around my machines.  It was terrific and it makes me impatient for spring.

Despite the warm weather that beckons me to play outside, I managed to work on my art quilt.  It is coming along nicely and should be done soon.  I like the direction the quilt is taking but I think that is because I have had such fun doing it.  I will keep you posted as to my progress.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Tis true, tis true!  It is really snowing and it is beautiful out.  It is the 1st of March and true to the saying it is coming in like a lion.  The wind has been quite active causing white-outs on occasion.  It makes the the studio seem cozy though.  Jay is finally going to get to use the snow blower!  Let's hope it starts!

Well, my break is over and I have to get back to the quilt on my long-arm.  Tomorrow I will post pictures of my art quilt and a quilt I just finished for a friend.

From the Studio

From the Studio
Paradise Found /private collection

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