Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I am ok.  I have to remind myself of that fact whenever i am feeling anxious.  Most of you know that the area I live in, Windham, NY, was hit by Hurricane Irene.  It is quite amazing that our house was not taken by the water but it wasn't.  That doesn't mean I wasn't ready to leave my home because I was.  I packed with all the necessary things:  birth certificates, financial information, computer, work files, personal files and of course, underware.  Jay asked me where we were going to go.  Good question.  I looked across the road to higher ground..  "Well, I think that is where we will go.".  It was higher ground and that was all we needed.  The creek next to the house was raging.  I was afraid.  Scared to death.  I know that Jay was afraid too.  But he tried to maintain a strong front.

Then I thought of my machines.  My beautiful machines......I would take one......well maybe two.  No one.  Having to choose what to take was agonizing.....but Jay was sitting drinking his coffee watching the stream next to the house rage while getting higher and higher.  Every few moments he would call out to me letting me know what the status was. Oh God.  I don't know what else to pack.

Down town Windham is a mess.  Actually, a disaster.  Everyone seems to be dazed, trying to figure out what to do next.  The utilities crews are working around the clock.  It occurs to me that I don't care about my sewing machines as much as I care about the women I sew and knit with.  I love them all and can't wait to see them again.

Tonight we would have gotten together to share jokes, and compliment each other on whatever we were working on.  Instead, we all sit in our own homes, those of us who still have homes, and pray that each of us are safe.  Everyone is accounted for except for Emily.  The entire town that she lives in is gone.  We love you Emily and hope you are safe.

Friday, August 26, 2011


Yesterday my friend Joann and I spent the day  traveling from yarn shop to yarn shop.  We had a great time but had a few eye openers as well. I almost bought the most wonderful yarn at one store but when I found out it was $43.00 dollars a skein I quickly put it back.  The store was great and had very different yarns from most stores and the woman there was very kind.  She told us that the store was mainly an internet store and that they did about 40 orders a day.  Holy Yarnshop!!!!!  I told Joann that we need to open up a shop and buy wholesale so we can play with yarn like that.  So much for a bad economy.  The yarn I chose was wonderful but not $43 dollars worth of wonderful.  We had high hopes though because our journey was taking us to other shops where we knew we might find other, less expensive treasures. So we ventured down to Rhinebeck where we did indeed find some very nice yarn for a more reasonable price.  Overall, we had a great trip and am looking forward to the next  Joann adventure.

For those of you who are familiar with Greenville, NY, you need to venture out to "Witts End" a wonderful antique and second hand barn on Rt 411 which is right off Rt 405.  Or beading class was given a heads up on this place during our week at the Greenville Arms  Fiber Arts beading class with Nancy Erhn.  Check out Kim's blog while you are on my page.  Catch everyone later.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

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Jay and I went for a walk this morning and it was really invigorating.  The sky is blue and the air smells clean and fresh.  The creek next to the house is bubbling and I am absolutely loving it.

Later this afternoon I will go to my knitting group.  These women are absolutely the best bunch of wild women I know.  The quilting group is a bit tamer I think.  Everyone is working on something different and all of us under the guidance of one Ruthie Martin.  This woman goes for walks with me in the afternoon while she is knitting something.  I am not kidding.  I love her....she is really cool.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I am not sure what is going on today but I am here in my studio feeling guilty for being up here doing wonderful things like beading on a new hat that I made.  There is so much to do in order to get ready for the quilt show this weekend and I am feeling side tracked by all of the things I need to do around the house.  It takes up so much energy and I find that it stifles my creativity.  This is a female thing for sure and one that stops many of us from doing great creative art.  Gosh, I wish I had a maid.  Speaking of which, I think I will get a lottery ticket while I am out picking up some things for the quilt show today.

I would love to hear how others get over there guilty feelings when they are working on their art.  If you don't feel guilty then tell me why?  I really would love to know.

From the Studio

From the Studio
Paradise Found /private collection

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